Peter Berg Interstellar
Peter Berg Business Development Director
Contact us for more information!


Take advantage of a fully managed network that you can easily purchase as a service. All the bells and whistles imaginable to keep your connectivity fast, complete and secure are included.


A multifunctional network for every organization

With users working from different locations and sending more and more data through applications, the pressure on your own network is growing and a wide highway to the cloud is mega-important. A good network adapts as your organization changes and sets new goals and requirements or goes through developments. Manual management is then difficult and costly: hardware is expensive and configuration complex.
Interstellar’s Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) is a service that provides your organization with a network, management, monitoring and optimization in one fell swoop. This allows you to take advantage of the latest innovations without the need for costly people to set up and manage the network for you. NaaS offers a comprehensive set of services, including SD-WAN, WiFi, Switching, Firewall and Routing, tailored specifically to your unique business characteristics.

The benefits of a network as a service

De zorgvisie van Interstellar zet mensen centraal
Icon_50px-Innovate Maximum unburdening

Interstellar provides the connections, hardware, software and configuration of the entire network. Then, with monitoring, management and security, we ensure a superior and secure digital experience for end users.

Icon_50px-implement Prevent common mistakes

Updates that have not been implemented, policies that let too much through, authentication or encryption that is too weak, incorrect connections or forgotten logins: with the expertise of professionals who manage critical networks on a daily basis, you prevent common mistakes.

Icon_50px-Manage Flexibility and predictability in costs

You can easily scale up or down to what your business needs. Dynamically aligning the available network capacity with the actual needs of your organization provides great flexibility.

WiFi as a service

With Wireless-as-a-Service, you make use of a high-quality wireless network within our NaaS service, with predictable monthly costs. Use a laptop or smartphone anywhere via a reliable fast connection, made possible by frequent maintenance and professional management.


Make use of specialized know-how

The modern network is a complex set of routers, switches and access points. On the back end, a mountain of settings are necessary to provide the same user experience to employees at multiple locations with different devices. Interstellar offers effective management and premium 24×7 monitoring, thanks in part to 30+ years of experience within this IT domain.


Looking for flexibility and simplicity? gradient-var1

Take advantage of a flexible and scalable single or multi-site network, with predictable costs and competitive performance. We’d be happy to tell you what an Interstellar managed network can do for your organization.

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