Peter Berg Interstellar
Peter Berg Business Development Director
Digitalize healthcare?

Digital Healthcare Workspace

In many IT environments, it is a challenge to combine ease of use with security. On the one hand, healthcare providers must communicate and collaborate effectively to deliver optimal care. However, the healthcare sector has strict rules for the privacy and security of patient data.

Healthcare portal for healthcare providers EPD

A Secure & User-Friendly Healthcare Portal

A healthcare intranet provides a secure environment for storing, sharing, and managing this sensitive information. The cleverly designed Digital Healthcare Workplace is a valuable tool for organizations that want to improve the quality of care, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

Experience the power of efficient digital healthcare delivery, anywhere and on any device. Discover the central hub where healthcare professionals can access all necessary applications and data with a single click, while maintaining data security and compliance with laws and regulations.

With years of experience in the healthcare sector, we understand the challenges and can translate them into opportunities through innovative technology. With the Digital Healthcare Workplace, healthcare professionals work more efficiently, easily, and therefore more pleasantly. This leaves more time for what’s most important: providing care.

Trusted by Our Customers

Our approach within cure & care markets combines advanced technology with a deep understanding of Dutch healthcare.

Happy Nurse
Onze Huisartsen
Santeon MST
WVO Zorg

Benefits of the Digital Healthcare Workspace

Optimal Healthcare Experience
Icon_50px-Innovate Accessible anytime and anywhere

Instant access to healthcare systems and patient records in one place in the cloud, regardless of your location or device used.

Icon_50px-Assess Safety and compliance

Operate according to the highest standards for data security and privacy, ensuring sensitive patient information is always protected.

Icon_50px-implement Integrated communications

Through the built-in social intranet, employees, volunteers, and external partners are easily and securely connected and can collaborate.

Icon_50px-Manage Integrated applications

All necessary healthcare applications are integrated in one location and accessible with just one click.

Icon_50px-Inspire Tailor-fit design

Specifically designed to optimize the workflow of healthcare professionals, allowing them to work more efficiently and effectively.

NXT Level Healthcare

We understand the complexity of IT in healthcare. Our Digital Healthcare Workspace is designed to meet these challenges by providing technology that improves quality, safety, and cost management in healthcare.

Modern Healthcare Workplace

An impactful approach

We deliver more than just technology. We listen to the needs of healthcare providers and clients to create tailor-made solutions that seamlessly fit into their daily operations.

Client Talk with healthcare worker

Discover how we together lift your care & cure processes to a new level

No hassle with passwords

With single-sign-on access, all necessary tools and applications are directly available from one account, increasing efficiency and saving time.

Single sign-on Security

Automate routine tasks

Automation of routine tasks reduces the administrative burden for healthcare providers, allowing them more time for direct patient care.

Electronic patient files

Compliance with regulations

The Digital Healthcare Workspace ensures that healthcare institutions comply with local (Dutch) and international health regulations.

Secure digital healthcare workplace - Security specialist

Mobility and remote access

Healthcare providers can access the system from any location, which is especially useful for home care scenarios and situations where doctors and nurses need to be mobile and flexible.

ehealth - digital care

Experience the NXT Level Digital Healthcare gradient-var3

From setting up a workspace to daily management, we make digital healthcare simple and carefree. Curious about the Digital Healthcare Workspace? Our expert team is ready to assist you!

Gradient | Interstellar