Peter Berg Interstellar
Peter Berg Business Development Director
Data safe in the cloud

Cloud Back-up

Our cloud backup solutions are designed to protect your organization against data loss due to human error, cyber-attacks, or technical failures. Rely on Interstellar for a solid foundation for your IT infrastructure.

  • Next level cloud backup solutions
  • The best precaution against ransomware
  • Simple recovery procedures
  • Secure backup storage in the Dutch cloud
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Why Cloud Backup?

A robust cloud backup solution is crucial for protecting your data. At Interstellar, we ensure your data is securely stored and can be quickly recovered when needed. Our solutions offer protection against all forms of data loss, including human error, cyber-attacks, and technical failures.


Cloud Backup by Interstellar

Our solutions include three main categories: Backup for Office 365, Advanced Cloud Backup, and Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS). We provide protection for Office 365 data, including emails, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams. Our advanced cloud backup ensures automatic, encrypted storage with fast recovery options. The BaaS solution offers proactive monitoring, full compliance with laws and regulations, and is cost-efficient by avoiding self-management. These services ensure continuous data protection and accessibility, even during unexpected events.

Keep data safe!

Avoid worries about data availability and recovery with Interstellar’s Cloud Backup services. We provide solutions for all data-related issues, giving our clients one less thing to worry about.

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Cloud Back-up Benefits

Cloud based - Teams Phone
Icon_50px-Inspire Redundancy

Data is safest when stored in multiple locations. This managed service provides the redundancy you expect, keeping data available no matter what happens.

Icon_50px-Innovate Fast recovery options

In the event of data loss, we take immediate action. We restore the data as soon as possible to minimize your downtime.

Icon_50px-Manage Scalability

Our service considers the need for flexibility and scalability. Services that can't adapt to changing needs can lead to unwanted data loss. We scale with the size of your organization.

Icon_50px-Job Regulatory compliance

Regulatory authorities and our customers expect us to have robust data protection measures and business continuity in place. Therefore, we operate according to the highest standards and hold certifications such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

Recommended for every organization

Managed Cloud Backup is essential in any business setting. Any organization can face the loss of critical business data due to failures, cyber-attacks, human errors, or natural disasters. Anyone with valuable digital data gains peace of mind with a backup.


Quick Disaster Recovery

A well-structured backup process is a crucial part of a disaster recovery plan. With Cloud Backup set up by Interstellar, you can be sure that your business operations will be up and running quickly after a disaster.


Prevent data loss

Reduce Technical Complexity

Interstellar Cloud Backup offers benefits such as automation, off-site storage, encryption, and professional management. It is an attractive solution for those who want to protect their data according to the highest standards without bearing the burden of managing technical complexity themselves.


Easy Transition

Transitioning to Interstellar is a seamless journey through the cosmos! We smoothly migrate your data to our cloud. We understand that business operations must not be disrupted, so our experts navigate and coordinate the entire transition.


Secure storage, always gradient-var1

Your data is always safe with our cloud backup solutions. Learn more and contact us now!

Gradient | Interstellar